Security Industry Licensing

To work or operate a business in the security industry in NSW, you must be the holder of a current security licence.

There are three classes of licence:
Master Licence
Class 1 Licence (manpower sector)
Class 2 Licence (technical sector)

For more information on each of these licences, please go to the "About" section.

New Applications Look up a Record Information And Links Master Licence

Businesses that employ or subcontract people to carry on security activities must hold a Master licence.

A Master licence may be held by an individual, corporation or government agency.

A Master licence authorises the holder to provide a specific number of persons on any one day to carry on security activities, each of whom must be the holder of a Class 1 or Class 2 licence.

By law, your Master licence number must be shown on all your advertising and signage.

To qualify for a Master licence, you must:

* declare details of any close associates of the business (see below)
* satisfy stringent integrity requirements, including in relation to any close associates.

A Close Associate is a person who:
* holds, or will hold, any relevant financial interest in the business
* currently is, or will be, entitled to exercise any relevant power in the business
* holds, or will hold, any relevant position (eg. director, manager, etc).

To apply for a Master licence, you must:
* complete an 'Application for a Master Licence' (P641, P642 or P643 form)
* provide your Australian Business Number (ABN)
* provide a copy of your Business Name registration (unless you do not trade under a business name).

IMPORTANT: A Master Licence cannot be issued to a partnership and is not transferable.

Class 1 Licence

Any person who carries on a security activity in the manpower sector must hold a Class 1 licence.

Class 1 licences have subclasses, with each subclass specifying the activity authorised by the licence, as follows:

1A (Unarmed Guard)
1B (Bodyguard)
1C (Crowd Controller)
1D (Guard Dog Handler)
1E (Monitoring Centre Operator)
1F (Armed Guard)

To be granted a Class 1 licence, you must:
* be 18 years of age or over
* be a fit and proper person to hold the class of licence sought
* have the relevant competencies and experience required
* have successfully completed any required training and assessment
* be competent to carry on the security activity to which the licence relates
* be an Australian Citizen or permanent Australian resident, or hold New Zealand citizenship or a visa that entitles you to work in Australia (other than a student visa or a working holiday visa)
* obtain a NSW Driver Licence or Photo Card, or a Customer Number from Roads & Maritime Services (RMS).

Class 2 Licence

Any person who carries on a security activity in the technical sector must hold a Class 2 licence.

Class 2 licences have subclasses, with each subclass specifying the activity authorised by the licence, as follows:

2A (Security Consultant)
2B (Security Seller)
2C (Security Equipment Specialist)
2D (Security Trainer)

To be granted a Class 2 licence, you must:
* be 18 years of age or over
* be a fit and proper person to hold the class of licence sought
* have the relevant competencies and experience required
* have successfully completed any required training and assessment
* be competent to carry on the security activity to which the licence relates
* be an Australian Citizen or permanent Australian resident, or hold New Zealand citizenship or a visa that entitles you to work in Australia (other than a student visa or a working holiday visa)
* obtain a NSW Driver Licence or Photo Card, or a Customer Number from Roads & Maritime Services (RMS).

Visitor Permits

The Commissioner of Police may declare any event or class of events that the Commissioner considers to be of regional, state or national significance to be a Special Event. Declared Special Events must be published on the NSW Police Force SLED website (

A person who is ordinarily resident in another State or Territory and holds a current security licence in that state but does not hold a NSW security licence, may apply to the Commissioner for the grant of a Visitor Permit to carry on the security activity for which they are licensed during the period of one or more Special Events.