
© UNESCO 2022

In light of the dramatic challenges the world is facing today there is urgent need to transform learning and redesign our societies for the survival of our planet. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is key in achieving this change. In May 2021 Ministers of Education from around the world, youth, teachers, scientists and civil society, came together virtually at the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. They adopted the Berlin Declaration for Sustainable Development, expressing their commitment to harness the power of ESD to build a more just, equal, equitable and sustainable world.

The purpose of this online publication is to contextualize the promises made in the Berlin Declaration and explain complex terms and concepts contained in the document, thus rendering its content easily accessible to the wider public. The main body of the text presents the Declaration itself, while the explanatory boxes provide practical background information about sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goal target 4.7 as well as interesting links to find more information about ESD, climate change, green technologies and other related issues.