This section contains an entire curriculum of hundreds of interactive and printable resources related to Colonial America, as well as articles, videos, scavenger hunts, games, and much more from 1587 to 1755. It stands as one of the most comprehensive 13 Colonies resources on the internet.
This section contains articles and descriptions of each of the 13 colonies along with a beautiful interactive map and interactive map activities. It also includes important historical events impacting the colonies.
This section provides descriptions, images, videos, and activities related to the trades of colonial America.
This section provides descriptions and maps related to the three main regions in colonial America: New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern
This section contains numerous colony-themed literacy activities including reading comprehension and cloze reading exercises, sentence surgeons and correct-me passages, exciting writing prompts, and critical thought activities.. Use the filters on the left side of the page to isolate activities by grade level or format.
This section offers two options for creating 13 Colonies maps: Maptivation and Make Your Own Map Assessment. There are also pre-made maps and map activities.
This resource includes 31 reading comprehension passages designed for students in grades 4-8. Each passage contains a narrative passage and seven-ten multiple choice questions. These passages and question sets will encourage students to analyze, infer, re-read, double-check, consider, compare, contrast, find, detail, make connections between, make connections within, deduce, and clarify the events in the history of the 13 colonies and the people involved. An answer sheet for all passages is included.